Microdermabrasion Services

Here at Natural Tranqulity, our trained and certified staff is proud to offer microdermabrasion to our clients in Elysburg, Paxinos, and surrounding areas in Northumberland County and beyond.

If you're ready to book your first appointment, click the button below, or keep reading to learn more about microdermabrasion can help you revitalize your skin and boost your self confidence.

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What Is Microdermabrasion & How Does It Work?

Microdermabrasion is a safe and effective cosmetic procedure that uses a minimally abrasive instrument to exfoliate the outermost layer of skin.

In other words, it's a safe way to get rid of dead skin on your body to revitalize your skin and enhance your youthful appearance.

More specifically, this type of exfoliation can help diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, acne scars, stretch marks, and other skin imperfections.

During the microdermabrasion procedure, our esthetician will use a handheld device to gently sand away the outermost layer of skin. This process is safe for all types of skin, although you may experience some redness and mild swelling immediately following the treatment, but this should subside within a few hours.

It's important to note that microdermabrasion is not a substitute for more invasive cosmetic procedures, such as a chemical peel (which we offer as well).

What to Expect During Your Microdermabrasion Treatment

Before your microdermabrasion treatment, our esthetician will cleanse your skin and then apply a fine, abrasive crystals to the treatment area.

She will then use a handheld device to gently sand away the outermost layer of skin.

The entire process usually takes less than an hour, although it will depend on the size and number of areas being treated.

After your microdermabrasion treatment, our esthetician will apply a soothing moisturizer to your skin.

You may experience some redness and mild swelling immediately following the treatment, but this should subside within a few hours.

It's important to avoid sun exposure and wear sunscreen after your treatment to protect your skin.

Most client come back every 3-4 weeks for another treatment, but be sure to talk with our staff about how frequently they recommend you come back, since every client’s needs and skin care goals are different.

Schedule Your Microdermabrasion Treatment Today

If you're ready to book your microdermabrasion treatment, click the button below to schedule an appointment.

We look forward to helping you achieve your skincare goals!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Microdermabrasion Worth The Money?

Yes, microdermabrasion is worth the money. It can help improve the appearance of your skin by removing the top layer of dead skin cells and stimulating new cell growth. In addition, it can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes, and other signs of aging.

How Long After Microdermabrasion Can You Wear Makeup?

It's generally recommended that you wait at least 24 hours after microdermabrasion before wearing makeup. This allows the treated area to fully heal and prevents any further irritation. If you must wear makeup sooner, be sure to use gentle, non-abrasive products and avoid rubbing or scratching the skin.